Inner Sanctum Mysteries – Between Two Worlds. 481220

A scary face costume, standing against a plain background. The costume consists of a hood with a grotesque, exaggerated face, with sharp teeth and sunken eyes. The man is wearing a black hooded robe and holding his hands up in a menacing gesture. The overall effect is creepy and unsettling.
monster. "Used with permission from Microsoft."

The show opens with a few creepy puns about a beheaded delegate.

It’s Yuletide in Chicago. A cop finds a notebook that appears to be a confession. As he reads it, the story unfolds. A gangster named sam faces death, and in a last moment plee, asks for a chance to do one good thing in his life. He’s amazed at surviving his being gunned down. Even more so, he’s amazed at meeting a guy who claims to be a ghost, Mr Wiskers. Together they are going to do at least one good deed.

Sam is given vague instructions, but soon he meets up with some shady characters, but what is he supposed to do? How does the ghost fit into all this? When Sam gets his new mission, he is supposed to marry the heiress of the ghost. Is she who she claims to be? It turns out she has also been rescued by Mr Wiskers, and they are to do a good deed, but what is it?

She is in poor health, and is a littel less honorable in keeping her word. She wants to keep the money they are to pass on to charities. Once their mission is done, who is to stop them from just taking the money and running? Where has Mr Wiskers gotten to?

In a final scene of confrontation that ends up in a shoot out, the story appears to be over. The cops at the start of the show manage to find the fresh scene, and Sam is still barely alive, but not for long. The loose ends are tied up, and listeners also find out what ever became of the ghost.