On Stage – Statement of Fact. ep19, 530514

A black and white photograph of Elliott Lewis, a man in a suit and tie, standing in front of a microphone with headphones on. He appears to be speaking or reading from a script, with one hand raised to emphasize a point. The background is dark and nondescript, with no discernible details.

Elliot is a police detective in an unhappy marriage. The demands of his job on his time don’t help the matter. On a murder case that drags him out of bed in the middle of the night, he questions the prime suspect, Cathy, who is thought to have brutally killed her husband. The cop expresses his doubts as to her innocence, but will his high pressure tactics get a confession out of her?

The circumstances don’t look for Cathy, but when saner minds prevail, she tells her side of the crime. A matter of disfunctional lovers emerge, and it begins to strike home when Elliot realizes that his relationship isn’t much better. Has his tactics changed to one that will help her, rather than run her up on the most severe of charges?

It boils down to two parallel stories, but one person made a bad decision, and the other is walking a thin line.