Lum and Abner – Group Finally Arrives in Las Vegas. 480916

Two men dressed in traditional Hawaiian attire, Lum and Abner, are seen mid-dance in the center of a small store. Lum, on the left, is playing a ukulele while Abner on the right is swaying his hips and waving his arms. A small crowd is gathered around them, some clapping and others smiling. The store itself is cluttered with various items, including shelves of canned goods and hanging clothes, giving it a cozy and lived-in feel.

Continuing on their way to Las Vegas, Abner makes a phone call from a drugstore. He had gotten a little turned around in looking for directions to the dude ranch, and postcards to send back home to Ben Withers. Can the female store clerk help him reconnect with his wife, Lizabeth?

The clerk may think Abner is quaint, and possibly coming on to her, but he’s just trying to tell her about the ordeal he has had in getting to town.

Turning to the business of those picture postcards, Abner is directed to the new employee. It’s Ben Withers, and we learn how he once again got turned around, and manages to keep up with our westward travelers. Will Abner need to get him a postcard after all? Abner gets confused over one of the La Cucarocha Dude Ranch, where Lizabeth is waiting for him.

Note: If I’m not mistaken, the clerk is voiced by Lurene Tuttle. Watch for more of her in in at least one more of the coming episodes.