Jack Benny – Jesse James Part Two. ep326, 390305

Jack Benny, Mary Livingstone and Don Wilson posing for a photo in 1938.

Don and Jack joke about the recent losses at the race track. Mary shares a secret about Jack’s $2 loss. Phil harris, and Kenny Baker join the horse racing jokes as they arrive. If Jack isn’t in it for the gambling, why does he go to the track? Must be for the hot dogs. Kenny sings, Memory Lane.

The gang continues their presentation of the award winning film by Darrel Zannick,, Jesse James. Don sneeks in a commercial. Rochester phones in a complaint about Carmichael the polar bear, and more secrets about Jack’s loss at the track are revealed. The play will continue right after Phil plays, Casey Jones.

In their hideout, Jesse and his wife Zorelda relax by knitting him a bullet proof sweater. Andy Divine and Jack head out for a train robbery. What kind of haul will they end up with? A Fred Allen impersonator makes the scene before Phil shows up to turn the tables, and Jesse’s big death scene gets turned into a song and dance number.