Escape – The Lost Special. ep55, 490212

A photograph of an indigenous island culture frame, set against a tropical background. The frame is made of intricately carved wood, with various patterns and symbols etched into its surface. It is propped up against a palm tree, with the ocean and other palm trees visible in the background. The overall effect is one of vibrant island culture and tradition, with the frame serving as a symbol of the region's rich artistic heritage.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

Fed up with the everyday grind? Want to get away from it all? Escape to the English countryside, where you are speeding along in a train. But somewhere in the countryside, a band of men are plotting yor death.

A classic tale by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It’s the turn of the last century as the crew prepares, and the passengers board the train. The police inspector is called to the conductors office. It’s just a precaution, but concerns are shared about possible valuables and their safekeeping are discussed. The Special, the name of a train that is to be met up with has been reported as not only late, but missing. Trains before it, and after it have been reported at their terminals, but the Special seems to have simply vanished.

Inspector Collins heads out to the segment of tracks to see if there are any switching, or alternate tracks that may have diverted the train. Obvious possibilities are removed that are impossible to be a factor, narrow gauge tracks, unserviceable tracks, and the like. Suddenly there’s a clue, and the train is stopped. A body is found, and it’s the engineer of the Special. The missing train has had to have come at least this far, but which of the upcoming spurs might hold the answer to the mystery? Through voiceover, the inspector shares some of his ideas.

By now, the story has leaked to the press, and a flood of new clues, and public sightings muddy the waters. Faced with the new challenges, Inspector Collins has now taken 10 days, and still made no progress, but he has a sudden inspiration. Using his new train of thought, he arranges another ride on the train. The situation that is now six months past is eerily similar to the train excursion that the inspector is planning. The inspector hopes this new train ride will entice the bad guy to repeat his feat, and attempt to make this one disappear as well.

Will it work? He is fairly certain of how the disappearance occuredWhen the train slows down, and is diverted, his trap is being sprung. Who is the bad guy? Why did he do it? Inspector Collins explains it all as he nabs the mastermind, and gets all the hard evidence he needs.