Bulldog Drummond – Axis Submarine. 430916

On the waterfront, there’s something crooked afoot. A body is found, and Bulldog Drummond is on the case. What will the detective learn on the foggy docks? Shady characters offer false witness as he asks questions. What makes Bulldog know he’s being lied to? Who can he trust?

With more questions asked, a fuller image of the gang activity on the waterfront shapes up. Bulldog is captured, and the listener soon joins the gangsters as they meet up with an enemy submarine. What can he do to get away? Is there anything he can do to stop the activity?

We learn about the code messages, and communication the enemy uses with the gang. Is this the biggest game that Bulldog has been involved with? It’s looking dire as the killers come closer, but Bulldog has a few tricks up his sleeve in fighting back. What about the murder that first drew his attention? Will Bulldog solve that mystery as well?

Standby for the thrilling conclusion to tonight’s mystery. Don’t miss out on the secret of how Bulldog Drummond thwarts the spies, escapes from certain death, and brings criminals to their knees.