You Are There – Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln (April 1865AD). ep51, 481121

American flags, with a diversity of citizens standing in front. Men in jeans and t-shirts.
People in front of American flag. "Used with permission from Microsoft."

Join the CBS reporters as they visit Fords Theater in Washington DC. General Lee has just surrendered, and the atmosphere is festive as the president prepares for a night on the town, and a moment of leisure.

Mr Ford is interviewed about the nights production, as well as the presidents personal guard. The band plays, Dixie, at the presidents request as his carriage arrives. Abraham Lincoln tells the reporters a little of his gladness to have the burden of the recent war ended.

Inside the theater, the play is going on as planned. A brief synopsis of the play is given as the current scene is presented. Running commentary is offered to describe the theater interior, and finer points of the play.

A shot rings out. What was that? Is it part of the play?

It rapidly is clear that the president has been shot. Chaos reigns. Frantic witnesses fill in details of the killers movements. The president is removed to a local house.

In the CBS studio, a more sane environment is foundbut , more reports pour in of other attempts on cabinet members. The killer identified, and his movements outside the theater. Questions about the conspiracy come out as it is described.

Sadness grows as stories of Lincoln’s premonitions are revealed. Condolances from around the world start coming in. Then, after an all night vigil, the tragedy is complete when Abraham Lincoln is officially pronounced dead with the immortal quote, “Now he belongs to the ages”.