Wild Bill Hickock – The Missouri Kid. ep2, 510408

"Two cowboys, Wild Bill Hickok and his trusty sidekick Jingles, ride their horses through a rocky landscape. Wild Bill holds a revolver in his right hand and Jingles holds a shotgun in his left. They both wear cowboy hats, bandanas and leather vests adorned with fringe. In the foreground, a buffalo stands in the grass, watching them pass by."

In the town of Hangtre there’s a jail break, and it frees it’s prisoner. Who are the dark and mysterious figures? There isn’t much of a back story, but it isn’t hard to figure out. It’s Jingles, freeing Wild Bill, who had been working undercover to get information from the towns folk.

Our two heros run into a kid who is wize to them, and recognizes Bill. The plain talking kid wants to help Bill and fills him in on a few of the characters in town. Bill’s investigation doesn’t take him to the elusive Missouri Kid, at least not yet. Instead he comes back to a mine that is to be sabotaged, and blown up. The mine was where Bill and Jingles had been hiding out? The shady deputy had tracked them there and wanted to do away with Bill.

Bill and Jingles do some trailing and investigation of their own to see what mysterious things are going on. They meet the kid and is mom at their homestead. The latest development seems to be a prairie fire. Who is terrorizing the plains? The chase is on, but it leads back to the homestead and a gun fight breaks out. What is so important about that mine, and about the kid? How does the Missouri Kid play into all the confusion? I could probably tell you, but I’d ruin the mystery for you.

As Bill gets closer to the solution, the danger he faces grows. In a face off in the salloon, Bill proves himself to the towns folk and shady deputy that he’s really not the elusive Missouri Kid, but actually Wild Bill.

The horse riding, gun fighting adventure isn’t quite over, and Bill finally is able to track down the real Missouri Kid and expose the truth of the mystery.