Our Miss Brooks – Babysitting On New Years Eve. 500101

"An apple sitting on a school teacher's desk"
Apple on Desk ca. 2001. "Used with permission from Microsoft."

Flashback to the day before, when Connie and Mrs Davis talk about their new Years Eve party plans. Miss Brooks is hopeful that Mr Boynton will take her out. Too bad he has to drop in and break his date. Boynton will be attending a Biologist convention, and only has money for one ticket.

To add to her misery, Mr Conklin stops by to ask Connie to babysit while he goes to his own celebrations. He promises it will only be until 10 O’clock, and it pays enough to buy her ticket to Boynton’s convention. I’ll bet there’s a catch in there somewhere.

Little Stevie is a brat who gives Connie trouble. Connie also learns that catch, Conklin meant 10AM. Can sheget someone else to do her babysitting? Walter and Harriot aren’t falling for it. Maybe Boynton will drop his plans to help Connie? They have a cute exchange of conversation through song titles.

To entertain herself, Connie listens to the midnight countdown on the radio, only to hear Mr Conklin being the life of the party.