The Shadow – Joey’s Christmas Story. 401222

A black and white illustration of "The Shadow" character from the 1930s pulp fiction and radio series, featuring a dark-cloaked figure with a fedora and scarf covering most of his face, except for his piercing eyes and prominent nose. He stands with his hands at his sides, looking off to the side with a serious expression. The background is a textured, cloudy sky.
Artwork for the cover of Garth Ennis' The Shadow vol. 1, 4 (July 2012

Lamonte Cranston and Margot Lane help Joey and his poor family every year. Joey aspires to be a detective, and observes Lamonte in action on a case. When things don’t add up Lamonte realizes the wild goose chase is all Joey’s doing, just as a game. Things take a turn on a real case though when a man is found beaten and robbed. Is Joey hiding something?

The Shadow takes charge to turn an embarrassing situation around for the desperate family. Commiting a crime to right a wrong isn’t good, but there might be a way out to make amends for the McNulty’s. If only the stingy Mr Murphey will show his kinder and gentler side.

The Shadow plays a part to ensure both parties get a fair deal to enjoy the Christmas season.

1 Comment

  1. I have to add. I got a kick out of the sponsor, and their push to buy their product for Christmas. It had to be a delicate matter for them. After all the sponsor sells coal. Coal and sticks is what the bad little boys and girls get for Christmas. They can’t just come out and suggest you buy it for someone, it implies they’ve been bad. On a brighter side. It is Blue Coal, not the regular old black coal. Listen in and see how the coal company got around a negative selling point to ask for holiday sales.

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