Fibber McGee and Molly (NBC) Christmas Presents. 411223

A festive image of a vintage Santa Claus holding a large sack of toys over his shoulder, with a snowy background and the words "Spread the Christmas Spirit" written in bold white letters above.

A package came to the McGee’s that is certainly a Christmas present, and it has Fibber’s curiosity up. Temptation is to great, but what is it? Abigail Uppington visits to let her neighbors know she is in charge of a paper drive. Get that Dope McGee brags about his past feats. Martha Tilton sings, He’s 1A in the Army and A1 in my Heart.

The package has turned out to be a snazzy electronic doorbell. Should Fibber install it himself?

Teeny pops in to tell about her miserable toe, otherwise known as mistletoe. Will Fibber buy some from her? Harlowe Wilcox agonizes over the wax job in the McGee’s kitchen, and goes into a sponsor pitch.

Hundreds of episodes of Old Time Radio Christmas Cheer!

Mayor Latrivia visits, but claims it wasn’t him who gave them the doorbell. He learns about Fibber’s time as a railroAd detective. It gets him a gig as Wistful Vista’s Santa Claus. Gildersleeve arrives to get caught up. The Kingsmen sing, What Do I Want for Christmas.

The McGee’s continue to chat with Gildy over a cup of tea. They pitch the movie they made together, Look Whose Laughing. Will they ever learn who sent the doorbell? Will Fibber be able to match the value of the gift that Gilddy got him?

Note: Mel Blanc is the hiccuping telegram boy.