Lum and Abner – Give the Formula to the Wrong Man. 470819

A representative from a chemical company is due to pop in, and could show up any time now. Wanting to make a good impression, Lum and Abner want to be at their best. Rumors of the sell out to the big chemical company have reached the ears of Ben Withers.

Ben Withers suggests new business ideas. Royalties on the product for example, but when Lum doesn’t see the point in it, Ben changes direction. What if he sells Lum and Abner a root beer recipe? Not for a bad price, but for a royalty on each bottledsold.

A stranger enters who talks about the kind of deals he can make regarding the formula. A copy of the formula is given on good faith, but what’s the latest word to come across Lum’s path? Only a note that the chemical rep isn’t due to come to town until tomorrow.