Lum and Abner – Elect Officers of Company. 470807

Lum and Abner in a Publicity Photo. 5x6. In this black and white publicity photo, two men, Lum and Abner, are posing together in a studio. They are dressed in suits and ties, with Abner on the left wearing a hat and holding a cane, while Lum on the right has his hands in his pockets. They are smiling at the camera with a friendly and approachable demeanor, creating a sense of warmth and familiarity. The photo has a vintage feel, reflecting the era in which they were popular radio personalities.

With a new marketing campaign, the gents now offer their formula as something to kill potato bugs.

Will they be able to write their own ticket, with a monopoly on the market.

Cedric enters with his sales orders. He’s just a little too good at demonstrating, and sprayed the entire gardens of the folks he visited. When Cedric invested money in the store in a previous episode, he’s due to have a partnership in the store. Will he be tricked into keep on doing all the labor, but with a fancier, new title? Who’s going to be president? Will Lum pull a fast one to make sure it’s him?