Mysterious Traveler – House of Death. ep9, 440130

A pair of old ladies have to move out of their home, and under the care of their nephew and his wife. Though they are being treated well, its just not home, and the ladies want to pack up their cats and go back to the life they are used to. Reading about friends who have died, or who have had to be sent to the poor house for care, Martha and Elouisse begin to think their nephew is mishandling their estate.

Are the younger relatives up to no good? It doesn’t help matters when each of their cats die from eating food meant for them. Why won’t the nephew let them leave, and limit contact with the outside world. How long might they hold out on a hunger strike? If only the terrified ladies might contact their long time business manager.

suspicions rise. Plans are made to escape. Even a message through the postman ends up in a mysterious death. desparate and determined, Martha and Elouisse get help the only way they know how. they burn the house down and wait for the fire department outside. It isn’t until then that they learn their fears were unfounded, but the things they feared even more than this have become their final fate.