Lum and Abner – Professor Crenshaw. 470715

Lum and Abner in a Publicity Photo. 5x6. In this black and white publicity photo, two men, Lum and Abner, are posing together in a studio. They are dressed in suits and ties, with Abner on the left wearing a hat and holding a cane, while Lum on the right has his hands in his pockets. They are smiling at the camera with a friendly and approachable demeanor, creating a sense of warmth and familiarity. The photo has a vintage feel, reflecting the era in which they were popular radio personalities.

Lum isn’t convinced at all about the revelations of his friends being part of the Hamstead family, especially when more relatives come crawling out of the woodwork. Professor Crenshaw seems to be making out all the phoney documents.

Cousin grandpap enters, and his discussion with cousin Abner drives Lum nuts. Where is Lum storming off to?

Examining the family trees side by side, Abner and grandpap try to find out how exactly they’re related. What will it prove? Besides being Lum’s granddson, Cedric is uncle to grandpap and Abner. Lum is back after talking to Professor Crenshaw. How much more convoluted will the family ties become?