Our Miss Brooks – Mr. Conklin’s Wake Up Plan. ep36, 490410

"An apple sitting on a school teacher's desk"
Apple on Desk ca. 2001. "Used with permission from Microsoft."

In an effort to cooperate with school policies, Miss Brooks opens by talking about her efforts to comply with the latest school policy, Mr Conklin’s exersize plan. An idea to involve the entire student body and staff in working out to start the day.

Connie tries to get to sleep early so she can be ready for the next day’s early start, but Mrs Davis keeps waking her to remind her of things. It wouldn’t be so bad, but the waking starts just about as soon as Connie tucks herself in for the night. To top it off, she has to take a late night phone call from the Conklin residence, then one from Walter. Since she’s up, she phones Mr Boynton to warn him about the special excersize routine in the morning, but gets the wrong number.

To relax, Mrs Davis tries to help by offering Connie some aspirin, but the medicine that Connie gets had been confused with some sleeping pills that Minirva the cat was prescribed. No harm done, Connie goes right off to sleep. But who knew that cat sleeping pills could be so strong? Connie ends up sleeping through not only the calesthenics, but her first class. Uh-oh.

At school Connie has to stand tall on Conklins carpet to explain her tardiness. As punishment for missing her morning classes, Connie gets the task of taking on a new class period to allow Mr Boynton time off to take care of coaching his sports team. Her excuses fall on deaf ears, and Connie has to go on report to the school board as well.

Despite it all, she isn’t the only one suffering from sleep deprivation. While she had been trying to explain herself, Connie had left her evidence, the botttle of Minirva’s sleeping pills on Conklins desk. Now it’s the cranky principal’s turn to seek headache relief, and take the wrong medicine. Hmm… what comes around, goes around in the world of sit-coms.

When the school board representative arrives, Conklin is caught napping at his desk. Later, Connie talks with Mr Boynton about her new duties, and to prepare she audits his session today to observe his teaching techniques, and gets to show off how little she knows on the topic of biology.

Back in Conklins office, his snoring continues as his visitor plans a juicy report to the school board about such terrible behavior, but as he waits. The noise has caused a headache, and the visitortakes one of Connie’s pills that she mistakenly took. Now Connie and Boynton are on hand to witness the two sleeping school administrators. Just then Mr Stone, the head of the school board approaches. Connie does her best to waken Conklin, and bail him out of his predicament.

The attack of the sleeping officials just won’t quit, but Connie still manages to use the chance to bail out her boss, and stop her bad report from going through.