Dragnet – Eric Kelby – Body Buried In Nursery. ep14, 490903.

A security guard dressed in a dark uniform is reaching for his sidearm, which is holstered on his right hip. He stands in front of a brick wall, with his left hand resting on his belt. His facial expression suggests a state of high alertness and readiness to act in case of any threat or danger.
Security Guard Drawing his Weapon --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis "Used with permission from Microsoft."

Assigned to Homicide detail, Joe Friday investigates the report of a missing woman for signs of foul play. The husband, Mr Kelvi, is a grumpy gent, and the cops talk about him as well as other clues. Joe Friday and Ben Romero go to meet with the Kelvies, but will they find any help there?

Other family members may be showing up missing. Is that something to worry over, or is it just a matter of fear? Joe begins looking at motives for murder. Money, greed, jealousy, or is there something else? The problem is that there’s no dead body yet.

Family skeletons begin to emerge. Which lies can be believed? It’s just the convoluted human drama that could be well suited to one of the fictional hard boiled detectives. Using their best powers of deduction and logic that would make Sherlock Holmes proud, the cops hit on the solution to the mystery.

Note: Harry Morgan is the guest voice of the police captain. In the years of television, he would be Joe Friday’s partner.