Democracy in America – The Tyranny of the Majority. ep9, 620314

American flags, with a diversity of citizens standing in front. Men in jeans and t-shirts.
People in front of American flag. "Used with permission from Microsoft."

A study in American Freedom. Does freedom have any drawbacks? When majority rules, the idea is that if you have a different spin, you’re welcome to it… just keep it to yourself… or else. What do Americans think of the findings of our French travelers? They love to hear about their successes, being industrious, how great their women are, but just don’t offer any negative criticism. Hurt feelings are sure to abound.

Beaumont and D’Toukfel discuss experiences in folks expressing their ideal of freedom and equality. Sometimes the majority wants to press the minority, and other stigmas get squashed in social pressure. Individualism suffers, and it takes a brave man to step out for his cause. People give lip service of being a free country, but many discrepancies are exposed.

One area our Frenchmen have had trouble with is the lack of quality arts and literature in America. They explore why the mediocrity exists. It’s hard for authors to be self expressive when the majority demands middle of the road content. Is it really a fact that the majority is where the wisdom lies? Public opinion even has an iron hand on manners, and propriety. Going against the grain, and being independent is frowned upon in polite society.

Majority opinion is demonstrated to put a tailor out of business, including the lawyer who defended him, all for operating his business on a Sunday, when it isn’t acceptable among majority opinion. Though the negro race is equal and free on paper, and in the legal system, prejudice in the public opinion effectively bars them from voting. If the majority is so oppressive to the minority, why do people put up with it?

Despite the contradictions in the system, it places the watchful eye of tyranny on the people, and not on a corrupted government to lay the iron fist on the people.