Democracy in America – The Chief Instrument of Freedom. ep11, 620328

American flags, with a diversity of citizens standing in front. Men in jeans and t-shirts.
People in front of American flag. "Used with permission from Microsoft."

Audio warning: Not bad, but the audio speeds up in the middle. Eventually it returns to normal.

A study in American press. Earlier in the series we found how the majority squashed the literature and arts, demanding mediocrity. The editors of the press are the men who show bravery to go against the grain, and thrive on controversy. Abandoning principles, journalists openly lambast public figures, criticizing their every move Reporters thrive on scandal and notoriety.

Far from the tame world of literature our Frenchmen learned about earlier, newspapermen are fearlessly expressing opinion. They may be targets of duals, threats, and are open to printing anything, as long as you pay the price for the advertisement.

With all the varied opinions, there’s plenty of competition. If you don’t agree with an editor, drop $200 on your own press, and start your own paper. Hey, it’s the blogosphere of 200 years ago. Only its cheaper to start blogging than that.

The feeling is that equality weakens and isolates a man, but the press is the way to let others know they aren’t alone as opinions are voiced. How can someone figure out the truth amid all the noise of rumor, escandal, and sometimes outright lies? Is the power of the press so all powerful after all? The evil the press produces, is less than the evil it cures.