Democracy in America – Any Woman Is a Lady. ep5, 620214

American flags, with a diversity of citizens standing in front. Men in jeans and t-shirts.
People in front of American flag. "Used with permission from Microsoft."

A study in American manners. Our two French travelers remark on the value that equality holds. Particularly that any woman can expect to travel anywhere, and be greeted with respect by everyone. The relationship between servant and their master is more loose and casual than the aristocrats are used to. American ladies are remarkable as being guardians of morality. Fresh, natural, are there any drawbacks to American society?

Things move at remarkable speed, and nobody has time to set down roots in a place. Flaws in equality means a rich man doesn’t have to sacrifice his money when rubbing elbows with the lower classes, only his pride.

Americans seem to love equality, love of wealth, and being indebted to treatment of women. Not for who they are, but just that they are women. An irksome habit, but men wouldn’t have it any other way. Women’s attitudes lean to the point of being glacial and egotistical.

What about the formal education of young ladies? From age 5 to 18, girls learn music, charm, and about anything but math or science… unless they’re the tall girls. How do men see the differences in male and female social standing? Wealth is the apparent aristocracy in America, and gossiping women do what they can to move in those circles. Racial equality is touted, but our visitors begin to notice it isn’t put into practice.

In social venues, where talent is below European standard, conversation during the performance is the norm. On the other hand, outside the circle of high society, the middle class entertainment runs to more professional performance.

class, culture, and morality differences are noted, yet men and women are considered equal.