The Shadow – The House Of Horror. ep21, 380213

A black and white illustration of "The Shadow" character from the 1930s pulp fiction and radio series, featuring a dark-cloaked figure with a fedora and scarf covering most of his face, except for his piercing eyes and prominent nose. He stands with his hands at his sides, looking off to the side with a serious expression. The background is a textured, cloudy sky.
Artwork for the cover of Garth Ennis' The Shadow vol. 1, 4 (July 2012

A gorilla is stolen from a zoo. As they take a cab ride, Lamonte and Margot learn all the details of the theft from the cabbie. Later Lamonte hears of a known felon with an interest in the ape. A fortune teller becomes a player in the story.

What supernatural things may be in store? What criminal activity could a gorilla be needed for? Margot Lane soon finds herself captured, and it’s up to the Shadow to get her free, and solve this mystery.