Red Skelton – Spring Cleaning. 490429

The scene opens with a flashback to Red’s house as he does Spring cleaning. He talks about the things that are mysteriously found after being lost. Lurene Tuttle is the wisecracking maid who gives back as good as she gets when Red teases her.

The doorbell rings, and Clem Kaddidlehopper visits. He tells about his new job to his gal Daisy Doo, the maid. Clem leaves, but has a little accident. Rod OConnor stops in and the conversation turns towards Red’s neighbor, Mrs Fussy, Verna Felton. After her tirade about Red’s living habits, it’s time for the mid show commercial.

The Four Knights sing, It Had To Be You.

Rod and Red stand at the incinerator, burning jokes that never made it on the show. At least they haven’t made it until now. They find a letter that seems to be written by a fan, but Red isn’t sure if he should tell his wife about it.

Red and Rod take off to the car to see what they can learn. Right after Rod has trouble with his service station mechanic, played by Red.

David Rose plays, Red Roses for a Blue Lady.

Red has his curiosity up over his mystery fan, Fitzy. On the way to the meeting place, they run into Verna Felton who is taken home to be greeted by her grandson, Junior the Mean Little Kid. He has her locvked out of the house. Junior teases her and Rod, and it could be a wise idea to take out some insurance.

Later, downtown, Red goes to see about his mystery fan, and the note that was left for him. Who is Fritzy? Will Red need to bail himself out of trouble with his bride?