Gunsmoke – The Gypsum Hills Feud. ep157, 550416

"Cowboys and Gunslinger Photographs" - A black and white photograph featuring a collection of antique firearms and cowboy memorabilia. The items are arranged on a wooden table, and include revolvers, pistols, rifles, bullets, and other cowboy accessories. The image evokes the rugged and lawless nature of the American West during the late 19th century, when duels and shootouts were common. The artifacts serve as a window into the past, providing a glimpse into the lives and culture of cowboys and gunslingers from this era.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

The story of the violence that moved West with young America, and the man who moved with it. Matt Dillon is that man.

As Matt and Chester ride through the hill country outside Dodge City, they enjoy the beautiful terrain. A nice change of pace from the daily grind of town, but the kind of landscape that is ideal for outlaws to hide out in. As Matt draws a bead on some game for their dinner, gunshots ring out as someone fires on Matt. The shooter has flown the coupe, but Matt and Chester soon pick up his tracks. From the looks of it, it won’t take long for the shooter to be caught up to.

Matt describes some of the challenges in tracking the shooter, but eventually he and Chester follow the trail to a nester’s cabin. The couple who live in the cabin seem aloof, but the man handles his rifle like a Blueridge Mountain Man. Matt only mentions that they tracked him to the cabin, but make no mention of being shot at.

The man gets his fur ruffled at the thought of being accused of shooting at someone. For now the law men ride off, but decide to return and pursue the matter. Next day Matt returns to catch the man in hopes of being in a better mood, but he’s still as grumpy as ever.

The man, Peavey, claims to have found a man laying dead on the prairie, and has his body in the wagon. Matt doesn’t quite believe his story, and follows the track to where the incident went down., He finds another man encamped who is just as aloof as Peavey. Caid and his wife tell their part of the story, and are clearly not friends of Peavey. Matt tries to convince this newcomer, Caid to let the law handle the matter, but The two families hold that this is a private matter and can be dealt with on their own.

Matt brings the families face to face for a showdown and tries to mediate between the feuding clans. Matt discovers a fact in the recent killing that makes him claim to have killed the boy on accident, and in the difficulties in tracking had somehow missed his body, but found the track of Peavey.

Will this stop the feud in it’s track? Is Matt’s claim even true? Listen in and decide for yourself.