The Shadow – Appointment With Death. 390312

A black and white illustration of "The Shadow" character from the 1930s pulp fiction and radio series, featuring a dark-cloaked figure with a fedora and scarf covering most of his face, except for his piercing eyes and prominent nose. He stands with his hands at his sides, looking off to the side with a serious expression. The background is a textured, cloudy sky.
Artwork for the cover of Garth Ennis' The Shadow vol. 1, 4 (July 2012

A man is released from prison, but claims to the warden that he’ll get the man who put him behind bars. Back with his gang, the gangsters plan is to buy an island for their hideout, and a place to trap the Shadow. The gang begin terrorizing the city in hopes of getting the attention of the Shadow.

Blackie Carmichael gets his wish, and Lamonte Cranston talks to Margot Lane about what needs to be done. It can mean only one thing, either the end of blackie, or the end of the Shadow. Sure enough, the Shadow is lured to the island, and right into the waiting hands of Blackie. Is this the trap that will finally catch the Shadow, and put an end to him?

Fearing the worst, Margot Lane has the Shadow’s back, but her phone call to the police may come too late. The cops race in to surround our killer, but what happened to the
Shadow? Did he really get drowned? In the end, justice is served and another hardened criminal is removed from society.