Jack Benny – Preparing To Go To New York. ep289, 380320

Jack Benny, Mary Livingstone and Don Wilson posing for a photo in 1938.

Spring is in the air, and Jack talks to Don about the sure signs that it’s back. Phil arrives, and Jack breaks the news about the trip to New York. Don is a little worried that Jack might use another announcer for his trip, and they joke about Harry VanZel.

Kenny enters to comment about the trip. Apparently neither Kinny or Phil will be going, and Jack talks about his substitute bandleader possibility. After a telegram from Abe Lyman, Kenny sings, I See Your Face Before Me.

Kenny wants to know who will take his place in New York. jack talks about having Kate Smith and Fred Allen on the show. Mary arrives to talk about Spring. Jack comments on her Easter bonnet. The jokes about the substitutions continue. Jack gets a phone call from Fred Allen, who makes a special demand from Jack.

As Jack leaves to go home to pack, Phil plays a tune, Who stole the Jam.

Kenny, Mary, and Rochester all help get his bags overstuffed. Besides jokes about Jacks clothes, Rochester has a little bad news about the car. Andy Devine stops in to tell why he won’t be making the trip. He has Spring cleaning and other chores to do. Schlepperman drops in for a few jokes, and to drop off a tux. The gang get ready to head out to the station, just in time for Don to close with another yummie Jello tip.