Command Performance – Shirley Ross, Carmen Miranda. ep100, 440108

"Dancing silhouettes" - A black and white image featuring the silhouettes of two people dancing together, captured in mid-motion. The figures are set against a light background and the lines of their bodies are sharp and angular. The woman's dress and the man's suit are clearly defined, while their faces are left blank, creating a sense of anonymity. The image evokes a feeling of joy and movement, as the couple appears to be lost in the rhythm of the dance.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

Hosted by Shirley Ross, she starts the all musical program off. She sings, Singing In My Heart.

Harry James chats a little with Shirley, and dips into the mail bag. Harry sings, Remember. Veronica Lake presents a sound from home as she fries up some fresh eggs for the troops.

Maurice Rocko plays piano standing up as he sings, Cow Cow Boogie.

Carmen Miranda gets a big reception then sings a couple of her hits. Her first in Spanish, and followed by, I’m Just Wild About Harry.

Jimmy Cash sings, My Heart Tells Me. Shirley returns with a quick greeting for the troops then to sing, Swing Low. Harry James plays, Blue Lou.

Shirley closes and parts with a personal words for the troops.