American History Through the Eyes of Radio ep19 1745 Leatherstocking Tales – Deerslayer Part 10. 1932

American flags, with a diversity of citizens standing in front. Men in jeans and t-shirts.
People in front of American flag. "Used with permission from Microsoft."

The trade for the captives seems to have gone well, but the deal isn’t over yet. Will Judith get her father back at sunrise? Will the Irriquois turn the tables and steal away all the women for their squaws?

Once rescued, Harry is fighting mad and willing to turn and fight his Indian captors. Deerslayer has to cool the hot-headed man off. There will be plenty of time for vengeance later.

During the exchange, the Deleware maid is stolen back, and it is up to Deerslayer and his friend chief Chingacook to get her safely back.