Gunsmoke Cooter. 541127

"Cowboys and Gunslinger Photographs" - A black and white photograph featuring a collection of antique firearms and cowboy memorabilia. The items are arranged on a wooden table, and include revolvers, pistols, rifles, bullets, and other cowboy accessories. The image evokes the rugged and lawless nature of the American West during the late 19th century, when duels and shootouts were common. The artifacts serve as a window into the past, providing a glimpse into the lives and culture of cowboys and gunslingers from this era.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

Matt Dillon, the first man they want to look for, and the last they want to meet.

Chester meets Matt on the stage coach as he returns from Salina. Chester fills him in on a recent killing that took place. It looks like Chester may have dropped the ball on this one, so Matt goes right to the Long Branch Salloon where he gets filled in by Kitty. Time to start playing tough with the gambler in the salloon and lay down the law.

It’s a matter of a crooked gambler who hired a gunman to get him out of scrapes. Matt lets the gunman off the hook, but only if he gets out of Dodge.

Things are quiet for a while after the gunfighter leaves. Then one of the dim witted residents of Dodge City is seen wearing a gun, when he never did before. Matt tries to get to the bottom of it before something bad happens. It sounds like the simple minded Cooter might be getting set up for trouble.

Matt had been wanting to run the gamgler up on charges, but when the crook makes a fool of Cooter, he has bitten off more than he could chew.