Lum and Abner – Emaline Coming for a Visit. 460711

Chet Lauck and Norris Goff wearing a suit and tie smiling at the camera. Sitting in front of a radio microphone, one holding a script and the other adjusting his glasses -

Abner is holding down the fort in the Mountain View Inn as Dick Huddleston arrives. They discuss the way Lum is lovesick over their first guest, Trixie Van Deusen. Lum has been writing love poetry, and Dick rummages through the discards in the waste paper basket to get a sample of Lum’s artistry. What would Miss Emiline say if she knew Lum was mooning over Trixie like this?

Trying to run interferance on Lum’s behalf, he tells how he tried to tell Miss Emiline not to worry about any gossip that she might be hearing. Grandpap enters to talk about Lum showing off, riding a bike to impress Trixie. When Lum enters he has some explaining to do to tell how he got all wet, riding the bicycle built for two.

Grandpap tries to talk to Lum about business at the jot ‘Em Down store, but Lum is lost in thoughts of Trixie. Miss Emiline has been out of town and a call from her comes in. Can Lum keep his secret thoughts about Trixie from her? Lum is anything but tickled to death to learn that she’s coming back next Tuesday.