Lum and Abner – Rehearsing Lum’s Play. 460626

Chet Lauck and Norris Goff wearing a suit and tie smiling at the camera. Sitting in front of a radio microphone, one holding a script and the other adjusting his glasses -

Audio resolution sounds tinney. With his writing block cured, Lum’s play is ready. How will it go over? Cedric learns about the play from Abner, but gets side tracked by talking about some of his friends who have just left the service and are having trouble finding a place to live.

Lum enters with his play, and asks Abner and Cedric to read the parts to see how it sounds. The lines are tough enough, but the names of the characters get butchered as Abner does his reading.

With the reading done, will Lum go through with putting on the play? Is there a way out of being embarrassed in public over it?