Jack Paar – Buying a House. ep10, 470803

Audio is OK, but gets a little staticky at times. The monolog inclueds income tax cuts, Presidential candidates, Sports, and Hawaii joining the union. Announcer, Hy Everback lends his vocal tallents to accent this last point in a style similar to Fred Allen talking with Senator Claghorn. Trudy Irwin sings, Ain’t You Ever Coming Back.

Jokes turn towards National Parks, plans to go on vacation, reports from someone returning from a vacation. Good times… bad times… was it worth it?

The housing shortage is the topic of jokes to introduce the sketch. Making due with creative living arrangements, Jack and his newlywed wife look at buying a house. Troubles with getting little house for the big bucks, securing a loan, and working with a contractor. Will the veteran be able to simply rent, rather than using his GI benefits? The Jerry Fielding orchestra plays an arrangement of, The Arkansas Traveller.
Women’s fashions, and the lowering hemlines introduce a debate between two women to argue for longer, or shorter dresses. Catty comments ensue. Can Jack keep control of the debate, or will he end up a target?