Fibber McGee and Molly – Molly’s Toothache. ep555, 480525

A black and white photograph of Fibber McGee and Molly, a couple from a popular radio show of the same name. They are standing in front of a closet that has been opened, with clothes and other items spilling out onto the floor. Fibber is holding a mop and wearing an apron, while Molly looks on with a smile on her face. The overall effect is one of humor and domesticity, with the couple's playful antics and cluttered living space providing a snapshot of life in mid-century America in 1948.

Fibber talks politics to Molly. She is under the weather with an aching tooth that she wants to keep a secret as Wallace Wimple visits. Molly refuses to see a dentist. Doc Gamble drops in, and talks about his golf game. Billy Mills plays, Tell Me a Story.

The Old Timer visits and tries to take Molly’s mind off her tooth. Fibber tells about when he was in the SeeSaw business. Harlow delivers the commercial, but Molly’s tooth keeps flaring up. It’s after hours, but Fibber is determined to do all he can to get her help. The Kingsmen sing, Rainbow Bill.

Fibber makes an emergency run to Craemers Drug store. He may mean well, but the cops don’t see it that way when the burglar alarm goes off.