Lum and Abner – Lum Wins Car in the Raffle. 460527

Chet Lauck and Norris Goff wearing a suit and tie smiling at the camera. Sitting in front of a radio microphone, one holding a script and the other adjusting his glasses -

Since our last visit to Pine Ridge, Lum has misplaced his raffle tickets. The drawing is today, and if he can’t find them, he’ll at least be out $100 for the lost tickets. If he could sell some of them off, he might make back some of the money.

The two friends test their memories and try to keep from arguing as they try to locate the raffle tickets. Will retracing their steps work for them? How about doing some memory association? Maybe some zen-like meditation to clear their minds?

Grandpap enters to demonstrate his own memory trick. He never did find a missing item for his woman, but he manages to spout off a litany of names of people involved in the search. Lum finds the tickets, but can he phone the Veterans group who sponser the raffle to return the tickets before the drawing? Abner has even better news, one of the tickets Lum bought is the winner.

There’s just one more little twist when Lum admits that he doesn’t know how to drive a car.