Dragnet – Attempted City Hall Bombing. ep7, 490721.

It was Joe Friday’s day off, but he finds himself called back to City Hall along with partner, Ben Romero. The captain has the story. A man walked into the building and threatened to bomb the place if his brother wasn’t released from jail.

The cops plan for the evacuation of the building, an argue over who will take on the possible suicide mission of taking the bomber down. As the City Hall administration does what it can to clear the building, and worry over whether to actually release the prisoner, Joe and Ben both go to try to calm down the bomber, and talk sense to him. Is the bomber just bluffing? Is the bomb real? Can the cops take the bomb away, or put it out of action somehow?

When the early attempts don’t work out, it’s time to regroup, and rethink strategies. The bomber has all the angles covered, and all the advantages. Isn’t there some weakness in his plan? Sit in for tense moments as Joe tries to counter all the bomber’s tricks. In the end it comes down to raw nerve as the clock ticks down to the deadline. Be sure to stay tuned in for the nailbiteing, suspenseful ending.