Vic and Sade – Front Porch Swing, Russel. 430608.

Art VanHarvey, Bernardine Flynn, Paul Rhimer, and Bill Eidleson

Sade wants Vic to put up the porch swing. Vic, however, seems to be reluctant to do it. Eventually Sade takes on the job herself.

This episode is special because it represents the debut of Russell Miller into the Gook family.

We find out by doing some research that Russell is the orphaned nephew of Vic’s boss, Mr. Buller, at Consolidated Kitchenware. How and why he’s there at the Gook house seems beyond research as there is simply no way of knowing what exactly he is doing there in terms of the plot line. At any rate, Russell is now a part of the Gook household, at least for the better part of a year.

The part of Russell was played by David Whitehouse and there’s not much information available about him to be found anywhere… We do know the real reason he’s been added to the family; he’s an extra body, a son-figure.

Russell is certainly no clone of Rush but he does a pretty good job.


  • Mr. Bainbridge from Dixon, McClellan and Pete McStingel are mentioned but nothing else was said about them. I’m going to assume that McClellan is the train conductor that Uncle Fletcher gave a cupcake to in this episode.
  • Uncle Fletcher tells the story of Ernie Spotters from Belvidere. He could play the violin, guitar and mouth organ. The gang tried to play a trick on him by giving him an anvil to play but he just sat there. He wore a pair of shoes for six weeks then tried to take them back to the store. He loved apples but hated fish. He was right-handed and left-handed both. He never trusted smoking tobacco; was afraid it would explode.
  • Uncle Fletcher tells of Minnesota Hoosh who would smoke but he wouldn’t chew tobacco.
  • Uncle Fletcher says that Harry Wool knew a man that knew Fred Stembottom.

–Review provided by Jimbo, as found at: The Crazy World of Vic and Sade. Visit the page for more links and pictures of Vic and Sade.