Lum and Abner – Mr Hatstaff to Pine Ridge. 460513

Chet Lauck and Norris Goff wearing a suit and tie smiling at the camera. Sitting in front of a radio microphone, one holding a script and the other adjusting his glasses -

The grab bag sale idea that Lum had has seemed to run its course, but due to over zealous ordering, more damaged cans are delivered. How will they be able to sell off their over abundance of damaged cans, and cans with missing labels?

As they discuss their problems at their overstock, Cedric enters with a distraction. A telegram arrives to tell about a mysterious visitor. What does he want? What important business does Mr Hatstaff want to conduct in town?

Lum has decided to donate his food stock to a charitible cause. It’s only when he has committed himself that he contacts the wholesaler. The man confirms the code numbers on the bottoms of the cans is a way to look up what the unlabeled cans contain. With world hunger running rampant in war torn countries, it’s just the right thing to do to donate food.

Note: Lum uses a phrase that hasn’t been used much, if at all before this. It will be used more as the show goes on. Bored for the Simples. It’s a phrase that expresses that he’s feeling pretty stupid. It comes from an old medical practice. Before we had reliable pharmacies, people often grew their own herbs for simple first aid needs. The simples. Sort of an old fashioned version of what we might now call over the counter drugs. Here’s the wierd part. To get the medicine, the simples, to work as fast as possible, it was a common practice to drill a hole in your head, and put the simples right in there. To be bored for the simples was a way for a person who suffered from a sickness to get a quick and fast acting treatment for their troubles.