Lum and Abner – Mad About Unlabeled Cans. 460501

Chet Lauck and Norris Goff wearing a suit and tie smiling at the camera. Sitting in front of a radio microphone, one holding a script and the other adjusting his glasses -

Previously, Cedric proudly offered his services to the Jot ‘Em Down store, with the result of cleaning the labels off the canned goods. As Lum and Abner enter the store, they are about to learn all about Cedric’s enthusiastic cleaning job.

Should they just throw away their inventory, and replace it with fresh cans? Lum realizes the wastefulness of that act, and it becomes a small pitch for world hunger that many war torn nations faced in the months after the end of World War 2. But how will they learn what’s inside the cans without opening them?

Abner tries to guess the contents of cans by the sound made by the sloshing contents by shaking them. Is he right?

Note: In Lum’s surprise, and thinking Abner was responsible for the cleaned can labels, e calls him a half witted numbskull. Though those terms rarely appear in the show, the use of calling someone a half wit is a common expression for those folks in the world of Vic and Sade.