Fibber McGee and Molly – Fibbers Thumb Caught In Bowling Ball. ep367, 430601

Jim Jordan in a Fedora and Marian Jordan wearing a hat in 1937. Standing in front of a microphone, dressed in vintage clothing from the 1930s, likely performing a radio show - the popular duo Fibber McGee and Molly.
Fibber McGee and Molly in 1937. Image from

Enjoying the evening out, Fibber teaches Molly how to bowl. An accident wins Fibber a free cigar. Though Molly gets a strike, Fibber finds he has his thumb stuck in his ball. After making a narrow escape, we get to listen to Billy Mills playing a tune with a South American flavor.

Abigail Uppington visits the McGees, as they take a break to sit on a park bench. After the flying insults send them on different ways, Harlowe Wilcox arrives to polish things up with the sponsor product.

Molly rushes into the drugstore to call the doctor. Meanwhile, Teeny gives Fibber grief about the embarrassing bowling ball. The Kingsmen sing, Riding on a Cloud.

Waiting in the doctor’s office, the McGee’s meet Wallace Wimple. He shares a cynical poem on marriage, then Fibber gets to see Doc Gamble. Will the good doc be able to help his pal out? Doc soon has his own problems.