Amos and Andy – Impersonating An Officer. 440512

Illuminated taxi cab sign on the roof of a sedan
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

Amos, Andy, and Kingfish talk about their costumes for the masqerade party later tonight. Not able to come up with anything, Andy asks Kingfish to help rent something for him. The rental shop is out of costumes, so Kingfish turns up a policeman’s uniform for free, but still charges Andy for it. Join the whole gang as they compare costumes, and discover that Kingfish couldn’t pass up that sweet deal and kept that sharp looking cop uniform for himself.

Things begin to fall apart when the cop, played by Ernie Whitman, comes looking for the uniform that he left in the care of Lightning. There’s bound to be trouble at the ball, and having a nose for such things, Kingfish manages to swap costumes back with Andy.

The plot gets interesting when robbers break in and steal money from the lodge hall. Costume swaps keep on going, and soon the cops are looking for their uniform theif, Kingfish is looking for some real thieves, and the thieves figure they can lure Andy to taking the blame for their crimes as well. The swapping and chasing can’t last forever, but who will catch who?