Lone Ranger – Dead Men Pay No Blackmail. 410430

A small band of riders pull into town. Have the two cowhands, and Mary come here to cause trouble? They’re just trying to help Mary reclaim property of her dead husband’s. The two cowboys are friends of the Lone Ranger, Pedro and Pete.

When they try to do a good deed in the fashion of Lone Ranger, Pedro ends up shooting the gun from the hand of a man, and ends up killing him. Pedro goes for the Lone Ranger, and when they get back, they learn the other cowboy is in jail. As Lone Ranger listens to the events, he smells a rat, and does his own investigating.

The fast paced story unfolds to reveal a last minute will, a jailhouse rescue, and tons of loose ends. It seems clear that Pedro’s gunshot didn’t kill the man at the beginning, but who did? What really happened to Red Bannister that night? Who is Mary exactly, and how does she and her dead husband tie in with the whole ordeal? Who else is laying claim to the estate, and why is it so important?

With cowboys Pedro and Pete on the loose, all the good guys work together to wrap up all the answers to bring the just rewards to those who deserve it, and punishment to those who don’t.