Jack Benny – Lady Milicent’s Husband. ep254, 370418

Jack Benny, Mary Livingstone and Don Wilson posing for a photo in 1938.

Presenting the latest Paramount screen lover, Jack Benny! Don interviews the big movie personality on his screen successes. Mary Livingston enters to keep him humble. Will he reveal his real name or age? Kenny is thrilled at meeting the celebrity. How will Phil react to the fame? The jokes wrap up with a smooth dance tune by Phil Harris, Turn Off the Moon.

The gang discusses being at the same nightclub to dance. The swanky affair was a tribute to Don Wilson. Andy Divine pops in to complain about dressing up for the dancing in Coconut Grove. Kenny Baker sings, Will You Remember

Jack and Kenny joke about getting the bird for their performance. After a swinging bit of traveling music from Phil, the gang put on the drama. The snooty, high-class love story features Jack and Mary joking about their money and high-class relationships and problems. Such a boar, but a very polite and dignified one. Just how many husbands does Lady Milicent have? Even Andy Divine gets a high faluting role. Will their financial future be at risk when Kenny shows up?