Dick Tracy – Dick Is Captured. 380222.

Assorted law enforcement badges and photographs on a textured background, representing government and police officials.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

In our last episode, Dick Tracey’s young assistant Pat had been hypnotized by Mogo. He has been commanded to act to do the bidding of the evil genius to try to regain the black pearl. Will Pat convince Dick to give over the ring that conceals the pearl? A phone call comes in to announce the escape of Dr Small from the hospital, the little archaeologist who was mixed up with the gang who wanted to steal the pearl.

Cops hit the street, but elsewhere, Pat meets with Mogo secretly to turn over the pearl. Little does Mogo know that Dick was suspicious all along. In a confrontation, Pat’s spell is broken, and through a turn around Dick has been kidnapped.

Note: Though the series ran for many years, even making it to the big screen and television cartoons, there’s a big gap between this episode and the next in my collection. We never learn what happened to the black pearl, or to
Dick, but I’ll bet he manages to keep it safe and make his own get away.