Jack Benny – Jack Practices The Bee. ep242, 370124

Jack Benny, Mary Livingstone and Don Wilson posing for a photo in 1938.

Don announces Jack with: “A man afflicted with many childhood diseases, including violin lessons” The trouble is that Jack is missing, and it’s up to Mary and the cast to open the show. Phil reports that Jack is just locked up in a back room to practice. Is he doing any good? Let’s join the cast as they peek in on his progress. Kenny Baker sings, I’ve Got You Under My Skin.

Jack rejoins the cast with jokes to tease Fred Allen. Will Jack be ready to play the Bee? What does he think of Fred’s movie career? Will those New Years greetings at the door ever stop? Phil invites the gang over to his place to meet his mom and sister.

After a little travelling music, Goodnight My Love, we join Jack, Mary, and Kenny as they meet Phil’s family. Will Lucy Belle be as cute as her picture? Will the southern belle be as sweet on Jack, as he is on her? Will Mary and Kenny be tickled pink at the charms of Lucy Belle?

Lucy Belle chats about all her favorite celebrities, who get a southern geographical slant to their names. We also discover a couple childhood nicknames of the cast. Andy Devine drops in with Don, and with all the entertainers in the room, they pitch in with a song,. It’s Delightful, It’s Delicious, butthe lyrics take a sland towards the 6 delicious flavors of the product.

Note: Isn’t that Verna Felton as Phil’s mom? What do you know, he has the same mom as Dennis Day.

Favorite quote: Kenny, throw a log on the fire, and don’t let go.