Jack Armstrong – Country Of The Head Hunters Ep6. 401209

Old-Fashioned Compass Rose
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

Now cornered by the Pirates, Jack and his friends are facing a showdown. Will the Agrito tribesman form an alliance with the newcomers, or remain faithful to their new friends? While the pirates tried to communicate in sign language to the natives, Jack and Billy frantically tried to remove as much of the landslide as possible.

Uncle Jim tries to convince the natives to help prevent the pirates from coming closer, but not harming them. Do they understand, or will there bows be sending arrows raining down on them? Professor Cheppetto makes his demands. When a reign of arrows flies towards the Pirates, they don’t know how to react.

Uncle Jim warned the Pirates that the arrows were only a warning, and not deemed to harm them. But there’s no guarantees how they will be aimed next time. The Pirates learned their lesson? Will they attempt to charge our heroes again? Realizing that uncle Jim will only stand his ground, the Pirates back down, but are they up to something?

The sound of another landslide rumbling has wiped out the road entirely. Now what will our heroes do?