Jack Armstrong – Country Of The Head Hunters Ep5. 401206

Old-Fashioned Compass Rose
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

With their backs against a landslide across the narrow mountain trail, the pirates have caught up with our heroes. The band of Agrito tribesmen also stand by with weapons at the ready. The tribesmen seem to be making peace with uncle Jim after rescuing one of their number.

Jack has an idea that might signal the Agrito’s that the following car is full of enemies. The car stops, and as Blackbeard emerges, the tribesmen hide.

As the two groups of white men talk, will they arrive at a peaceable agreement? The uranium they both seek is at stake, as is the purpose it will be used. Will Blackbeard be fearful of the little men with bows and arrows? Has he underestimated the friendship the Agrito’s have with Jack and his friends? Has he underestimated how many unseen Agrito’s are in hiding, and with bows ready to hurl arrows?