Jack Armstrong – Luminous Dragon Eye Ring Ep33. ep1548, 401113

Old-Fashioned Compass Rose
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

Warriors paddle down the river, but Jack and his friends are not to be found on the Spindrift. Jack and his friends paddle past the restless warriors, and comment on the festivities on the river banks. Can they count on the nervous, jumpy tribesmen?

The outriggers on their canoe keep them from getting too close to their skiff. Not even uncle Jim understands the language of this Philipeno tribe, and must rely on their guide, Manuel.

Time for the showdown. If Manuel flashes the ring, will the tribe leaders let them go? Has a violent battle just been averted? Will Manuel be able to reach a negotiation with the chief?

Manuel reports that the battle is called off, at least until night time. Will the luminous quality of the ring get our heroes out of more troubles? Sally and Billy comment on the arrival of a medicine man, but the ring is still the only thing standing between our gang and disaster.