Fibber McGee and Molly – Uppy’s Nephew. ep338, 421110

The first visitor of the evening is Abigail Uppington, who needs help with her nephew. He is having trouble getting into the military, due to his extremely good reflexes. Can Fibber coach him on some good advice? Fibber has a connection with the lad, but he can’t remember his name.
Teeny arrives to ask what Fibber knows about Bob Hope. Also to share details on scrap drives to help the war effort. Betcha ya didn’t know that stuff… hmm… I betcha. Billy Mills plays a smooth swinging tune.

Fibber lectures on how to live cleanly, and get a leg up on the world… but he’s just practicing, and still can’t remember the name of the nephew.
Heading downtown , the McGee’s go to meet the nephew in a dive of a diner. The meet the Old Timer for a quick joke, then its back to their taxi. Still no nephew, so its off to city hall., but the McGees only manage to bump into Harlowe

Does Mayor Latrivia know what Abigail’s nephew’s name is? Is he planning something sinister over the phone… and right in front of the listening McGee’s? The Kingsmen sing, This is Worth Fighting For.
Seeing Wallace Wimple in need of a ride, the McGee’s give him a lift. He tells about his lessons on playing the harp, and the latest on his wife, Sweetie Face. Will he ever figure out who Uppie’s nephew is?