Bob Hope (Pepsodent Preview) Reginald Gardener. 411228

Three kings kneeling, with stars in the background.

Bob “Happy New Year” Hope shares a couple holiday reasons for using the sponsor product. Jokes include holidays and relatives, unusual Christmas gifts, defense stamps, movie studios, gifts from the cast, and more.

Francis Langford sings, Broadway Rhythm. She and Bob joke about his party treats, and gifts the cast gave each other. Reginald Gardener is the surprise guest. The English star gives and takes the jokes with Bob. Topics include being paid for appearing, false praise, and flubbed lines make for extra readings of lines. They move on to topics on being air raid warden, the weather, impersonations, making movies, and plug each others recent films. How do Christmas customs compare between England and America?

Shopping for gifts, Bob goes to the department store. Topics of jokes include revolving doors, floorwalkers, customer problems, gift exchanges, Turtles, Cigars, And even traffic.

Skinny Ennis sings, Bluebirds Over the White Cliffs of Dover. Turning to Bob Hope’s autobiography, another chapter in the early life of Bob Hope is presented. The young Bob has left for Hollywood, where we find him today. In the lime light as the typical star, he deals with autograph hounds. Bob and Reggie enjoy the holiday meal together, and discuss plans for a New Years Eve party. Can Reggie give Bob pointers on manners, dancing, and picking up a date? Learn about which dance steps are in, and which ones are out. Tuning in the radio, Jerry Colonna is an on air dance instructor, selling his new dance school.

Bob and Reggie take lessons where Betty Hutton is an instructor. She gives tips on the right shoes, and technique. Jerry joins the fun, and topics get random on horses, interests, being light on the feet, and more. Skinny Ennis arrives to argue with Bob over dancing with Betty. Lessons begin with a nice waltz.