Jack Benny – Jack Tries To Sell His House. ep855, 531011

Jack Benny and Mary Livingstone. in 1954.
Jack and Mary in 1954.

After 15 years in the same house, Jack wants to sell it. He has a potential buyer, and he needs to make a good impression. I hope he doesn’t over do it. The buyers leave, the cast trickle in, and jokes are made about a long missing Kenny Baker… or was that the gas man? Both haven’t been seen much since the year Jack had his house built in his Jello days. Dennis Day arrives to sing a romantic Italian melody.

To spruce up the place, Jack has a trouble making plumber on hand. Bob joins the gang, but the band can’t make the rehearsal. Mary defends the band from the jokes that Jack tells about them. Don arrives with a few jokes, and the Sportsmen who sing that sponsor flavored song, and one that’s specially customized to sell Jack’s house too.

Before Jack takes the gang to the golf course, the buyer Mr Borden phones to prepare to close the deal. On the driving range Mary and
Bob do well enough… despite coaching by Jack. What about Jack? After a quick word from golf pro, Frank Nelson, Jacks only solid hit may end him up in disaster with the deal with his house. ‘