Jack Armstrong – Luminous Dragon Eye Ring. ep3, 401002.

Collect the pieces to play the exciting game about jack Barker, famous Arctic explorer! And it all comes in pieces that you can cut out and build! Look for the game right on the box of that breakfast of champions! There’s only one catch. First build your modern day, high tech, futuristic time travelling machine. You already know the date, it’s part of the show title. Hey, when you get there, pick up a box for me too.

Now on to the show. With the bad guys making a clean get away, our heros discuss the strange, white powdery substance. Being a family show, I’ll tell you it relates to rocket science, not that other white powdery substance that is smuggled in from the Far East, and can get you a very long prison sentence. But I’m digressing.

Back to the story. PLOT DETAILS GET MORE TANGLED AS uncle Jim, Jack, Billy, and Betty investigate the clues. Shady characters an dangers abound to challenge our teenage heros. The race is on to get that supply of uranium uncle Jim needs for his experiments, but the dangerous adventure is still just developing.